Resident data ends at 4a68, program starts at 4a68, file ends at 14b68 Starting analysis pass at address 4a68 End of analysis pass, low address = 4a68, high address = 120ac [Start of text] S001: "Competition '96" S002: " An Interactive Guide Copyright (c) 1997 by Lucian Smith. " S003: "970405" S004: "6/5" S005: "a" S006: "---" S007: "the" S008: "The " S009: "the " S010: "a " S011: "The " S012: "the " S013: "an " S014: "The " S015: "the " S016: "some " S017: "The " S018: "the " S019: "some " S020: "N = next subject" S021: "P = previous" S022: " Q = resume game" S023: "Q = previous menu" S024: "RETURN = read subject" S025: "Score: " S026: "Moves: " S027: "Time: " S028: "You can't go that way." S029: "your former self" S030: "yourself" S031: "Darkness" S032: "those things" S033: "that" S034: " or " S035: "nothing" S036: " is" S037: " are" S038: "is " S039: "are " S040: " and " S041: "whom " S042: "which " S043: "games of various types" S044: "Inform" S045: ".z5" S046: "an" S047: "Inform games" S048: " --and-- (as well as in other subdirectories under ../interpreters/)" S049: " or (frotz), or or (zip)" S050: " (frotz), or or (zip)" S051: "MaxZip-153.hqx, MultiAventures1.2.cpt, or ZIP_13_68k.cpt (zip)" S052: " (frotz), or zip8os2 or zip8warp (zip)" S053: "ziplinux.patch (source code)" S054: "frotz201a_unixsrc.tar.gz (frotz) or (zip source code), zip-sgi.tar.gz (zip IRIX), or xzip161.tar.Z (X-Windows)" S055: "Frotz222Std02Amiga8.lha (frotz) or AmigaZIP_V8.lha (zip)" S056: "Acorn_Zip2000_Std0.2.spk (Acorn Archimedes), atarizip.zoo (Atari ST), jzip.bebox.tar.gz (BeBox), (Atari 16/32 bit), zipgs1.0a1.sea (Apple IIGS)" S057: ".gam" S058: "TADS" S059: "TADS games" S060: "" S061: " or" S062: "MaxTADS-103.hqx or tads2exe.sit" S063: "" S064: "tads2exe-linuxelf.tar.gz" S065: "???? (can't find it! I have it myself! aaargh!)???" S066: "AmigaTADS2210.lha" S067: "AcornTADSruntime.spk (Acorn), atari.tads2exe.arc (Atari ST/TT/Falcon)" S068: ".bat" S069: "AGT" S070: "an" S071: "AGT games" S072: "" S073: "(provided)" S074: "CompileAgt.cpt (compiles the source code), and MultiAventures1.2.cpt (plays the game) (it helps if you know French)" S075: "REXX Adventure" S076: ".rad" S077: "" S078: "RADF100.ZIP" S079: "In this tiny room, a carpet of debris is broken by stone-cut steps leading back down into the darkness from which you came. Though you got here late, it looks like those who came before had a great time. " S080: "You climb the walls for a bit, but it doesn't help." S081: "There doesn't seem to be any way out other than the way you got here." S082: "playable" S083: "This is the bin in which to put games that are playable on your computer. When you're finished, pull the lever to sort the games in here." S084: "unplayable" S085: "This is the bin in which to put games which are unplayable on your computer." S086: "unsorted" S087: "This is the bin where the games start out. The games in the playable bin can't be sorted (by pulling the lever) until this bin is empty, and no games are left lying around or in your posession." S088: "Aayela" S089: "Magnus Olsson" S090: "An Interactive Vision." S091: "aayela" S092: "readme and walkthrough.txt" S093: "Alien Abduction?" S094: "Charles Gerlach" S095: "An Interactive Fiction Story." S096: "abduct" S097: "aaintro.txt, aaquanda.txt, and aawalkth.txt" S098: "Wearing the Claw" S099: "Paul O'Brian" S100: "an Interactive Fantasy" S101: "claw" S102: "Don't Be Late!" S103: "Grew Ewing" S104: "An Interactive Snippet" S105: "dbl" S106: "ALAN" S107: "an" S108: "" S109: ".acd" S110: "" S111: "arun260amiga.lzh" S112: "arun2_5_1_mac.sit.hqx" S113: "arun261linux.tar.Z" S114: "arun260sun4.tar.Z (SunOS), arun260hp.tar.Z (HP/UX), or arun2_5_1_vms.lzc (VMS)" S115: "arun260solaris2.tar.Z (Solaris)" S116: "1req.txt, walkthru.txt, and dbl.dat" S117: "Delusions" S118: "(anonymous)" S119: "an Interactive Self-Discovery" S120: "delusns" S121: "Fear" S122: "(anonymous)" S123: "an Interactive Nightmare" S124: "fear" S125: "My First Stupid Game" S126: "Dan McPherson" S127: "first" S128: "first.*, first.sol, and source/* (for non-IBM users)" S129: "Of Forms Unknown" S130: "Chris Markwyn" S131: "an Interactive Excursion" S132: "forms" S133: "In the End" S134: "Joe Mason" S135: "intheend" S136: "The Curse of Eldor" S137: "Stuart Allen" S138: "an Adventure" S139: "eldor" S140: ".jac" S141: "JACL" S142: "" S143: "jacl.exe (provided)" S144: "jacl.elf (provided; see 1req.txt)" S145: "jacl.*,, 1req.txt, and walkthru" S146: "Kissing the Buddha's Feet" S147: "(anonymous)" S148: "an Interactive Cramming" S149: "kissing" S150: "kissing.sol" S151: "Punkirita Quest One: Liquid" S152: "Rybread Celsius" S153: "a Viking's Funeral" S154: "liquid" S155: "liquid.sol" S156: "Lists and Lists" S157: "Andrew Plotkin" S158: "An Interactive Tutorial" S159: "lists" S160: "erykath@wherever" S161: "Maiden of the Moonlight" S162: "Brian P. Dean" S163: "maiden" S164: "readme.txt, maiden.ico, maiden.txt, and maiden.wlk" S165: "Phlegm" S166: "Adjacent Drooler" S167: "an Interactive Interactive" S168: "phlegm" S169: "The Land beyond the Picket Fence" S170: "standalone DOS" S171: "Martin Oehm" S172: "picket" S173: ".exe" S174: "picket.dat, picket.sol, handbook.doc, and 1req.txt" S175: "Piece of Mind" S176: "Giles Boutel" S177: "an Interactive Short Story" S178: "piece" S179: "Promoted!" S180: "Mike DeSanto" S181: "promoted" S182: "1req.txt" S183: "Ralph" S184: "Miron Schmidt" S185: "an Interactive Sniffing" S186: "ralph" S187: "Reverberations" S188: "Russell Wain Glasser" S189: "a Hectic Voltarian Adventure" S190: "reverb" S191: "Rippled Flesh" S192: "Rybread Celsius" S193: "an Interactive Goosing" S194: "ripflesh" S195: "ripflesh.sol" S196: "The Meteor, the Stone and a Long Glass of Sherbet" S197: "Angela M. Horns" S198: "The Interactive Memoirs of a Diplomat" S199: "sherbet" S200: "Small World" S201: "Andrew D. Pontious" S202: "Interactive Fiction" S203: "smallwld" S204: "BugHints.txt" S205: "The House of the Stalker" S206: "Jason Clayton White" S207: "stalker" S208: "readme.txt" S209: "Stargazer" S210: "Jonathan Fry" S211: "Prologue, an Adventure in Outfitting" S212: "stargaze" S213: "stargaze.sol" S214: "Tapestry" S215: "Daniel Ravipinto" S216: "an Interactive Destiny" S217: "tapestry" S218: "readme.1st, instruct.txt, and walkthru.txt" S219: "Sir Ramic Hobbs and the Oriental Wok" S220: "Gil Williamson" S221: "wok" S222: "1req.txt, mrun.exe, wok.*, and wok.wlk" S223: ".bat" S224: "AGT" S225: "an" S226: "Looking more closely, you see cables going from the various bins into the wall just below the lever." S227: "All the games have blurbs on them. I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific (or just 'READ ')." S228: " A piece of paper is tacked to one wall, with instructions." S229: ""To find out about a particular system (like Inform) just type 'READ AN INFORM GAME' (The same will work with TADS, AGT, and the rest of the game types in this competition.)"" S230: "It's a Big Red Button Which, If You Push It, Will Make You Do Everything You Really Need To Do Automatically. What more do you want to know?" S231: "Inside the bins are representations of the various games in this contest. You can examine an individual game to get basic information about it, and to find out what rating you've given it. If you would like more detailed information, you can 'READ THE BLURB ON ' or simply 'READ '. The blurb will give you the title and subtitle of the game, the directory where you can find it, and information about the interpreter(s) you can use to play it." S232: "When all of the games are sorted into either the 'playable' or 'unplayable' bin, the light will turn green, and you can pull the lever. This will cause a rack to rotate into the room, and all of the games from the 'playable' bin will be moved to this rack, sorted in a random order. If you find you have made a mistake, or wish to re-sort your games, pull the lever again, and it will deposit the games from the rack back into the 'playable' bin, where you can re-arrange them." S233: "The rack, when it appears, will hold all the games you indicated you could play, in a random order. A game must be inside the rack before you can rate it, which you can do by typing 'RATE ', where is a number (integer) between one and ten. The idea here is that you play the first game on your list first, then the next, and so on, until you either finish or run out of time. You can rate as you go, or wait until you finish and rate them then. You can always change your old ratings, and the program will not insist on you rating them in order (though it will comment on it). (The formatting is based on a fixed-width font, and assumes a screen width at least a few characters wider than the longest game name. I apologize if it looks bad on your interpreter.)" S234: "The buttons will (theoretically) output to a text file your list of games and ratings. The square button will save a list of just the games you've rated, while the round button will save the entire list, in the same order as is listed in the rack. It may not get good results on all interpreters, but I think I've worked out the major bugs. If it doesn't work for you, I'd recommend turning scripting on, examining the rack, then turning scripting off again. ('SCRIPT ON. EXAMINE RACK. SCRIPT OFF'). If your interpreter prompts you for a file name, then that's the file your list will turn up under. If it doesn't, it either didn't work, or turned up in the file "rating.txt" At any rate, if it works, you can use this file to mail to the vote collector, if you wish." S235: "This really needs no extensive documentation, as it does precisely what its title implies. You can think of it as an automatic 'walkthrough' for this game. All the typed commands you see yourself executing would actually work if you typed them yourself. The first, 'GET ALL GAMES FROM EVERYWHERE' is hardwired into this game, and can be shortened to 'GET ALL GAMES' or even 'GET ALL' (since the games are the only objects around you need to carry.)" S236: "Once all the games are sorted, you may refer to the first game on the list which you haven't rated as 'next', as in EXAMINE NEXT or RATE NEXT. This is a convenience so you don't have to look at the rack each time you want to figure out which game is next on the docket." S237: "October 20, 1996 - Votes will begin to be accepted at: November 30, 1996 - The voting account will close. No further votes will be accepted after midnight on this date. (Midnight for the person whose account this is. Save yourself grief and vote early.) December 1-5, 1996 - The winners of the competition will be announced at various places of interest on the internet." S238: " The Judging system this year was debated at large, and it was finally decided that this game would indeed be official. Whizzard hasn't published a revised Judging section yet, but as far as I can tell, it will be the same as last year, with the exception that partial judging entries are allowable. This still means that if you can by any means judge all the games, you should do so. But if you can't, you should judge them in a randomized order, whether through this game or in some other manner. In any case, please judge as many as you can, so that we will have statistically significant results. Betatesters may vote in the main competition this year, unlike last year. There are currently no plans for a MISS CONGENIALITY award for votes from game authors, but there have been rumors of a desire for one amongst some of us. Presumably, once we have an official vote counter, we could bug them to collate separate MISS CONGENIALITY votes, or we can organize one ourselves. Bugging Whizzard about it is probably NOT the way to go, since he's tired, overworked, and cranky ;-)" S239: "In brief: it doesn't, not really. I intended this game as a tool, nothing more. If you don't like it, push the Big Red Button and quit. If you do like it, use it as a scratchpad to record your ratings and print them out. Use it to find where the odd interpreters reside on the archive, or to find out if your platform has a new interpreter somewhere. If you absolutely hate it, either rate all the games or find another way to choose which games to play first. Any option will work." S240: "Greetings! This is Release 1 (the first official release) of my very first Inform game. Of course, it's not much of a game, per se, but it did teach me a lot about Inform. There's still a lot more features I'd like to add to this, but I've been working on my actual Competition game so much none of the following have been implemented. Still, hope springs eternal. The features I'd like to add: -A helpful janitor, who could interact with you, ask you questions about how you wanted things set up, and who would set things up for you if you didn't want to do them yourself. He'd also be able to answer questions you had about parts of the game. -A rate-o-meter, an optional item you could use to help you rate the games, by giving it levels of how much you liked the plot, characters, coding, puzzles, etc. -A way of recording one- or two-line sentences about your feelings on each game, for later reference. If you have comments, bug reports, ideas, whatever, feel free to contact me at: Enjoy!" S241: "write to" S242: "read" S243: "send message" S244: "apply 'ofclass' for" S245: "recreate" S246: "destroy" S247: "copy" S248: "copy" S249: "" S250: "name" S251: "create" S252: "recreate" S253: "destroy" S254: "remaining" S255: "copy" S256: "call" S257: "print" S258: "print_to_array" S259: "animate" S260: "absent" S261: "clothing" S262: "concealed" S263: "container" S264: "door" S265: "edible" S266: "enterable" S267: "general" S268: "light" S269: "lockable" S270: "locked" S271: "moved" S272: "on" S273: "open" S274: "openable" S275: "proper" S276: "scenery" S277: "scored" S278: "static" S279: "supporter" S280: "switchable" S281: "talkable" S282: "transparent" S283: "visited" S284: "workflag" S285: "worn" S286: "male" S287: "female" S288: "neuter" S289: "pluralname" S290: "before" S291: "after" S292: "life" S293: "n_to" S294: "s_to" S295: "e_to" S296: "w_to" S297: "ne_to" S298: "se_to" S299: "nw_to" S300: "sw_to" S301: "u_to" S302: "d_to" S303: "in_to" S304: "out_to" S305: "door_to" S306: "with_key" S307: "door_dir" S308: "invent" S309: "plural" S310: "add_to_scope" S311: "list_together" S312: "react_before" S313: "react_after" S314: "grammar" S315: "orders" S316: "initial" S317: "when_open" S318: "when_closed" S319: "when_on" S320: "when_off" S321: "description" S322: "describe" S323: "article" S324: "cant_go" S325: "found_in" S326: "time_left" S327: "number" S328: "time_out" S329: "daemon" S330: "each_turn" S331: "capacity" S332: "short_name" S333: "short_name_indef" S334: "parse_name" S335: "articles" S336: "inside_description" S337: "play" S338: "Pronouns" S339: "Quit" S340: "Restart" S341: "Restore" S342: "Save" S343: "Verify" S344: "ScriptOn" S345: "ScriptOff" S346: "NotifyOn" S347: "NotifyOff" S348: "Places" S349: "Objects" S350: "Score" S351: "FullScore" S352: "Inv" S353: "Take" S354: "Drop" S355: "Remove" S356: "PutOn" S357: "Insert" S358: "EmptyT" S359: "Give" S360: "Show" S361: "Enter" S362: "GetOff" S363: "Exit" S364: "VagueGo" S365: "Go" S366: "LMode1" S367: "LMode2" S368: "LMode3" S369: "Look" S370: "Examine" S371: "LookUnder" S372: "Search" S373: "Unlock" S374: "Lock" S375: "SwitchOn" S376: "SwitchOff" S377: "Open" S378: "Close" S379: "Disrobe" S380: "Wear" S381: "Eat" S382: "Yes" S383: "No" S384: "Burn" S385: "Pray" S386: "Wake" S387: "WakeOther" S388: "Kiss" S389: "Think" S390: "Smell" S391: "Listen" S392: "Taste" S393: "Touch" S394: "Dig" S395: "Cut" S396: "Jump" S397: "JumpOver" S398: "Tie" S399: "Drink" S400: "Fill" S401: "Sorry" S402: "Strong" S403: "Mild" S404: "Attack" S405: "Swim" S406: "Swing" S407: "Blow" S408: "Rub" S409: "Set" S410: "SetTo" S411: "WaveHands" S412: "Wave" S413: "Pull" S414: "Push" S415: "Turn" S416: "PushDir" S417: "Squeeze" S418: "ThrowAt" S419: "Tell" S420: "Answer" S421: "Ask" S422: "Buy" S423: "Sing" S424: "Climb" S425: "Wait" S426: "Sleep" S427: "Consult" S428: "parse_input" S429: "AskFor" S430: "GiveR" S431: "ShowR" S432: "begin_action" S433: "end_turn_sequence" S434: "Transfer" S435: "standalone_DOS" S436: "rating" S437: "title" S438: "game_type" S439: "author" S440: "Read" S441: "subtitle" S442: "filename" S443: "ext" S444: "other_files" S445: "interp_directory" S446: "DOS_interp" S447: "Win_interp" S448: "Mac_interp" S449: "OS2_interp" S450: "Lnx_interp" S451: "Unix_interp" S452: "Amg_interp" S453: "Other_interp" S454: "email" S455: "ranking" S456: "adj" S457: "desc" S458: "title_length" S459: "readiness" S460: "max_title_len" S461: "mimics" S462: "select" S463: "operate" S464: "emblazon" S465: "Version" S466: "Empty" S467: "InvTall" S468: "InvWide" S469: "GoIn" S470: "ReadAbout" S471: "Play" S472: "Rate" S473: "NumRate" S474: "MyScore" S475: "Help" S476: "GetAllGames" [End of text] [End of file]